viernes, 2 de julio de 2021

VVAA - Raw Cuts #4 - Australian Nitro

Raw Cuts


01.- Mad Turks From Istambul - Seeing Was Believing

02.- Liz Deal & The Twenty Second Sect - Tell Me Go

03.- Liz Deal & The Twenty Second Sect - Don't Give Me That

04.- The Coneheads - Action

05.- The Coneheads - Evil Little Elmer

06.- King Snake Roost - Buffalo Bob

07.- King Snake Roost - Fat City

08.- The Assassins - 1969

09.- The Spikes - Lucifer Sam

10.- Bloodloss - Drag The Lake

11.- Bloodloss - Jimmy Drove A Dream

12.- Fear And Loathing - Fur Burger

13.- Fear And Loathing - BFA

14.- Primevils - Whipping Time

15.- Primevils - Here comes Mr Rain

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